Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm Done!

Do you ever have those nights when bedtime can't come soon enough? When you want to put the kids in bed whether it's time or not? Where you HAVE to have some time to yourself or you'll go crazy? Tonight is one of those nights. It has been one thing after another all day long. Josiah has had this major attitude all day and it's my fault for whatever it is that he did and he's been kicking things and throwing things all day and even tried to say that he was staying at Kmart because he didn't want to be part of our family anymore (I think I told him he couldn't do something or have something when we got home that spawned that one)-I told him I loved him and I hope he found a family that would be nice to him.

Josh has been working mids this weekend which means that he sleeps all day and is gone all night and I maybe get to see him for 30 minutes to an hour in the afternoon if I'm lucky. It also means that I have to keep the kids busy, quiet and/or out of the house all day so he can sleep. I think that makes it worse for the kids, especially on Saturday of all days. I got brave and took them all to the store to buy a present for Noah's friend who's birthday party he was going to this afternoon (hence the Kmart trip) and then we went to grab a few things at the grocery store. As we were leaving Josh said I should pick myself out some flowers for mother's day since he wouldn't be able to get out and get anything. So I let the kids each pick out a bouquet of some sort at the grocery store. It cost a little more than I normally would have spent on myself, but I ended up with two vases full of beautiful flowers of all sorts that way (and I think I deserve it after a day like today). So why am I at my whits end with the kids today? I really don't know. All I know is that my patience is frazzled and I'm so glad for the peace and quiet now that they're all in bed. I made it through the day and everybody is still alive and in one piece-now I have to go prepare a lesson for Relief Society tomorrow as it's my turn to teach. I think I'll go pray for the spirit first or I may get nowhere.


La Familia Aguilar said...

Oh Heather I hope Sunday and today were better than Saturday. I hate it when Vicente works nights. He is home in the morning sleeping and I can't get any housework done becasue it makes noise and he is a light sleeper. The kiddos only get to see him for a few minuets in the morning when we have scripture and prayer. It does get easier when the kidds are older. (Not that that helps now. I also bought my Mother's Day gift because I found a good sale on ebay. It was just what I wanted and I didn't have to act happy when I opened it! I was happy!

greta said...

i too know exactly what you mean about mids. M just finished working that shift sunday night. i don't sleep well when he's gone at night, the girls are grumpy when he's gone all week and we too only get to see him when we drive him to the train station. i think it's the worst shift possible. but, you have a kmart there? i thought it was in the middle of nowhere the place you lived. or is it a miltary community in the middle of nowhere? either way, yeah for kmart!

Clarkmomma said...

yes we have Kmart in our little town in the middle of nowhere. They just opened a Target last year too. It's not a military community but there are enough americans here that they have brought in some of the amenities. We also have a McDonalds, Subway, KFC and Hugry Jacks (aka Burger King). Supply and demand. I just wish they'd open up a Taco Bell-then I'd be a happy camper!